Welcome to N P Davies Agricultural Contractors
N P Davies was established by Nigel Davies in 1981 providing a quality and competitive service to farmers and landowners.
N P Davies are based on the borders of Shropshire, Staffordshire and Worcestershire and can easily travel to other counties when required.
A range of agricultural services are offered including, Forage Harvesting, Baling, Cultivation, Drilling, Manure Slurry Digestate and Compost Spreading, Machinery Hire and Contract and Share Farming.
Also Haylage, Hay, Silage, Straw and Maize are available for sale.
Machinery is also available for sale, and a Fabrication service is offered.
If you cannot find the service that you require please contact N P Davies to discuss this.
- Forage Harvesting
- Baling
- Haylage
- Cultivation
- Hay Haylage Silage
- Drilling
- Manure Slurry Digestate Compost
- Produce for Sale
- Contract and Share Farming
- Machinery for Sale
- Hire
- Fabrications
- Snow Ploughing
- Road Building
- Amenity Work
- Mulching
Latest News
Agricultural Contracting Services
Agricultural Contracting Opportunities
Forage Harvesting Wholecrop / Rye for Livestock and Biogas